Take charge of your future by pursuing what you’re passionate about! Funding your education shouldn’t be the thing that prevents you from succeeding. That’s why we’re sharing a few different ways that you can pay for beauty school and still crush your goals.
We are here to talk about your unique needs and situation when it comes to paying for beauty school. Get in touch with our Admissions Team to talk about how William Edge Institute can help you succeed.
We give plenty of opportunities to help assist students with their education. One of those ways is through scholarships. We award scholarships based on application, eligibility, and certain qualifications. Make sure you check the availability of our yearly scholarships and applications with our Admissions and Financial Aid Department*.
Scholarships are amazing assets to help fund an education. It’s money that you don’t have to pay back! So, even though it takes a bit of work to apply for one, if you qualify and are awarded financial assistance, it is worth the effort you put in. You should apply to as many available scholarships that can be accepted at the school of your choice.
Pell Grants are another great way to pay for school. This is federal money granted through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). These types of grants are usually awarded based on your financial need, cost of attendance, and other factors. Pell Grants are similar to scholarships. They typically don’t have to be repaid and have to have an application submitted to be considered for eligibility.
If you choose to apply for pell grants through FAFSA®, our admissions team can help out by answering any questions that you may have through the process.
Private loans** are typically offered through organizations such as credit unions, banks, or state-affiliated organizations. The terms and conditions for these loans are set by the lender of these organizations. You’ll need to sit down with a loan officer and talk about your eligibility and how much money they will offer to help you pay for your education.
Just like with most loans, you’ll need to pay back this money with some interest, but in some cases, private loans are the perfect way for people to pay for their education.
At William Edge Institute, we expect our students to take their education seriously by attending classes and finishing all coursework. For those who may find themselves needing a little extra funding, it is possible to balance school and a flexible part-time job. We applaud those who are able to maintain their good grades while balancing other life responsibilities!
Many students who have a job and go to school understand the value of hard work, getting things done on time, and know-how to prioritize to get things done!
For those who are unable to work for any sort of reason, you can start preparing now! While we hope that finances won’t hold you back, you can pay for beauty school by earning savings before enrolling.
This can come in ways of using a tracker to budget your money, asking for assistance from family members, and even doing smaller jobs like donating plasma! Use your creativity to develop a financial plan! This will not only help you now but can help you develop financial skills for your future as well.
Get started in the right direction with William Edge Institute. Your school matters, so don’t settle for an education that won’t help you reach your full potential. We offer cosmetology, manicure, and instructor programs to match your future career goals in beauty. Get started by applying today and talking to our Admissions and Financial Aid Department to help you learn more about how to fund your next education milestone.
*Financial Aid is available to those who qualify.
**William Edge Institute is not affiliated with any private loan lenders.